Various Advantages Of Buying A Self Loading Mixer

Are you wondering about the advantages of investing in a self-loading mixer? How many years of experience do you have? What type of machines have you used for making concrete so far? In this article, we will explore the answer to these questions and why it makes sense for a busy contractor to invest in a fully automated mixer for concrete.

Various Advantages Of Buying A Self Loading Mixer

China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

Completely Automated Process

One of the biggest advantages of this type of mixer (бетономешалка с самозагрузкой) is that it is a complete unit on wheels and there is nothing that can match the efficiency or automation level of this machine. It is like having your own stationary concrete plant with the advantage of being able to drive it anywhere.

Complete automation means that it has systems for weighing appropriate materials and mixing them at the press of a few buttons. The operator needs to punch in the numbers as per the required specifications and the machine will start working and deliver the required specification mix in just a few minutes. There is no manual intervention required.

Consistent Quality Product

Mixing or making concrete isn’t such a big deal. You just need to weigh the materials and mix them appropriately for a few minutes in order to create the desired specification. The bigger problem is ensuring a consistent quality.

No matter how hard the workers try, it is difficult to achieve consistent quality in the long run when things are done manually. On the other hand, there is no such problem with a concrete mixer (автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой китай) that is fully automated and delivers consistent quality every time the operator pushes the start button.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost

China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost

Value for Money Product

Since it is a complete concrete plant on wheels, you get excellent value for your money. Due to its portable configuration, you can take it almost anywhere. It makes extreme financial sense in difficult terrain where transporting pre-mixed concrete is never going to be financially viable.

On the other hand, this mixer allows you to make the appropriate quantity of concrete at the right time. The only limitation is the limited capacity of this truck but you will anyway have to transfer the materials to the required construction site through other means. Learn more:

Saves Money

One of the biggest reasons contractors are increasingly investing in these mixers is that it helps them save a substantial amount of money in the long run. They save money by ensuring minimal wastage at the construction site. Also, these are capable of producing huge quantities in just a fraction of time as compared to manual mixing of concrete.

How to Choose the Right Mixer

There are several models of these mixers. The first thing you need to decide on is the capacity of the mixer. Make sure to choose an appropriate capacity based on the kind of projects you undertake. The next thing you’ll need to look at is the reputation of the manufacturer (like Aimixgroup).

Also, pay attention to the design of the truck. Make sure that it is easy to operate and easy to clean. Some designs have complex instructions that require several hours of training for any new operator and that adds to the operational cost.

Final Thoughts

Overall, a self-loading mixer is a fully automated concrete plant on wheels. It is much more efficient and its portable configuration makes it the best machine to mix and deliver concrete at hard-to-reach locations.